Join Now―Annie Crawley's Dive Team―Be A Voice For The Ocean―Newsletter―Take Action — Our Ocean And You
Our Ocean And You
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be the voice of our ocean. Take the pledge. share your story.

Join our team

Speak up for the ocean

We inspire and connect people around the world

By joining our team, you commit to sharing stories about our ocean. You become part of an internationally recognized group of passionate kids, teens, adults, teachers, artists, and scientists. 

You will be invited to our monthly Dive Team meetings with marine scientists, creatives, and advocates working around the world for our ocean. 

You will receive Our Ocean And You newsletter with inspiring images, ways you can take action, special course offerings, and other ocean updates. 

Take the pledge below and join our team today!

  our Ocean health Principles

Join Annie Crawley’s Dive Team

Imagination is not just child’s play; it’s for visionaries. Everything from a pencil to a mobile phone started in someone’s imagination. The same is true for our dream of a healthy ocean. Without a healthy ocean, people are not healthy. Your imagination is a vital resource for the health of our ocean and ourselves. What can you do for our ocean? We want you to speak-up for the ocean. Public awareness drives business and policy change. Join our team and get started on helping make your home, school, work place, and community committed to a healthy ocean. Without you, the ocean has no voice.

Aim for ZERO Waste. Refuse single-use plastic food/drinks. Replace single use resealable baggies, plastic grocery bags, plastic straws, and plastic utensils with reusable items. Carry them with you. Pack zero waste lunches. Use shampoo, conditioner, and soap in bar form. Pack bamboo silverware in your backpacks. Use metal straws. Support companies using less packaging, committing to fair trade, sustainable harvesting, and ecofriendly practices. Pick up litter on the beach, in the park, whenever possible. Remember when you throw something “away” there is no away. Everything goes somewhere.

Climate Action. Walk, ride your bike, carpool, or ride the bus. To save electricity, turn off lights, switch to LED light bulbs, and unplug devices when not in use. Email, call, or attend city council meetings to let them know you care about laws to protect our environment. Vote, or encourage others to vote, for renewable energy and climate action. Research electric vehicles for your family. Help get electric buses into your community.

Think Before You Eat. Eat only fruits and veggies wrapped in their own packaging. Go vegetarian at least one day a week. Get rid of plastic in your fridge. Use mesh produce bags in the grocery store and beeswax paper instead of plastic wrap. Only use products with sustainable palm oil. Only eat sustainable seafood. Buy from local stores and farmers markets. Reduce food waste. Compost. Bring your own containers to the store and restaurant. Write to companies and let them know you want sustainable packaging and food.

Speak Up for the Ocean. Be the voice of our ocean. Read books and articles about the sea. Talk about the ocean every day. Write poems, stories and make films about how we are connected to our ocean. Educate friends and family about the dangers of plastic, carbon, and noise pollution. Help others make ocean-friendly choices. Help change plastic and carbon policies in your local government. Participate in an ocean, lake, or river clean-up. Share what you are working on with us. Allow your passion for the ocean to transcend into all aspects of your lives.

Learn how to create a BLUE TEAM!

Refuse single-use plastic for 30 days

take the 30 day challenge and refuse single-use plastic for 30 days
raise awareness about ocean pollution

30 Day Challenge Refuse Single Use Plastic Seal.jpg

Go beyond the three R’s!

Single-use plastics are used one time and then disposed of. Take the 30 Day Challenge and REFUSE single-use plastic for 30 days. It is empowering when you take action in refusing these destructive materials that cause so much harm to our environment. We encourage you to Rethink your relationship with plastic, Refuse single-use plastic, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. FACT: Less than 10% of what can be recycled gets recycled. Recycling does not work, but makes people feel better. All plastic ever created remains on our planet, it takes between 500 and 1000 years to break down. Plastic does not biodegrade, it photo-degrades, which means it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces. Download this PDF and start your challenge today.

We’ve compiled a list of 25 things you can do for our ocean. Make these switches while also holding big corporations accountable and demanding change.

Our ocean is the life source for many animals we love. We need you to raise your voice for all the animals.

Share your story #RefuseSUP #OurOceanAndYou #PlanetOceanBook

As an underwater photographer and filmmaker, I like to capture the beauty of the ocean and share the inspiration with others. I'm also capturing the destruction facing our world ocean. Every breath we take connects us to the sea, the food we eat, the water we drink.

Our Ocean and You campaign raises awareness about the importance of the ocean in our daily lives and looks below the surface into one of the wicked problems facing our ocean, plastic pollution. Please share these videos and create your own! Our ocean needs you to be her voice, without us, there is none.

Tell Your Story

we will help publish your ocean adventure, clean-up project, or just your love for the ocean.
to get started, send us an email and use #Ouroceanandyou on your posts!